
income term meaning in Chinese



  1. In view of the considerable adjustment of fdi inflow after china ' s entry into wto , the paper points out that income terms of trade and foreign exchange reserves will increase considerably in short run with the adjustment of fdi after the entry into wto , and effect of total trade volume and product competitiveness of fdi will increase but to small extent , and factor and price terms of trade will not improve , even with the possibility to deteriorate
    中国入世后, fdi流入会有较显著的结构调整,流入总量会增加,但增长规模较小。预计短期内收入外贸条件和外汇储备会有相当程度的增大;外资的贸易总量效应、产品竞争力效应会有所增加,但变化幅度不大;双要素外贸条件和价格外贸条件不会改善,甚至可能继续恶化。

Related Words

  1. income distribution
  2. real income
  3. income criteria
  4. discount income
  5. income principle
  6. assessable income
  7. income realization
  8. unrealized income
  9. national income
  10. extra income
  11. income tax, negative
  12. income tax, personal
  13. income terms of trade
  14. income test
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